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Dr. Chris Riley

Dr. Chris Riley




Chris was born in Chester where he spent many years of his childhood enjoying the beautiful Zoo of the city. In 2017, Chris obtained his MChem degree from Lancaster University where his final year project focused on developing Tsuji-Trost-like intramolecular construction of quaternary carbon centres andspirocycles with Dr. Vilius Franckevičius. His interest for medicinal chemistry pushed him to travel up North to thelively city of Glasgow, where he undertook his PhD studies under the supervision of Dr. Craig Jamieson at the University of Strathclyde. During his PhD, Chris worked on the design and synthesis of small molecule inhibitors of the intrinsically disordered amino-terminal region of the Androgen Receptor for the treatment of advanced prostate cancer. Following this, he joined the Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy & Biomedical Science for a postdoctoral position with Prof Simon Mackay, developing isoform-selective inhibitors of the kinase IKKα, again for prostate cancer treatment. As of 2023, Chris is now with us in the Burley group working on transcriptional regulators for neurodegenerative diseases and new cell penetrative delivery vectors.

Chris was born in Chester where he spent many years of his childhood enjoying the beautiful Zoo of the city. In 2017, Chris obtained his MChem degree from Lancaster University where his final year project focused on developing Tsuji-Trost-like intramolecular construction of quaternary carbon centres andspirocycles with Dr. Vilius Franckevičius. His interest for medicinal chemistry pushed him to travel up North to thelively city of Glasgow, where he undertook his PhD studies under the supervision of Dr. Craig Jamieson at the University of Strathclyde. During his PhD, Chris worked on the design and synthesis of small molecule inhibitors of the intrinsically disordered amino-terminal region of the Androgen Receptor for the treatment of advanced prostate cancer. Following this, he joined the Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy & Biomedical Science for a postdoctoral position with Prof Simon Mackay, developing isoform-selective inhibitors of the kinase IKKα, again for prostate cancer treatment. As of 2023, Chris is now with us in the Burley group working on transcriptional regulators for neurodegenerative diseases and new cell penetrative delivery vectors.

Current position:

Postdoctoral Researcher in the MacKay group (University of Strathclyde)
Personal Facts

In his spare time you'll find him in the kitchen trying new foods and recipes, outside soaking up nature, or watching arguably too much Netflix.

Professional Awards

Researcher's Publications

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